It's complicated,she responded to his question about her being Morrigan's daughter, she didn't even completely understand it, and she'd had nearly three years to wrap her head around it all and still didn't understand it. One minute she'd been a three-year-old then the veil was torn down and she was dying, suddenly she has some weird shard thing and she's in a coma for a year where she magically ages like twelve years. Then he started talking about the spirit, the one inside her, and anger flashed again.
I don't think my mom would want me talking to you about this, I don't know you. What if you're one of her enemies, she's not exactly warm and cuddly when it comes to having friends.She was prepared to fight if she had to, so far she wasn't comfortable with how things were going.
03-29-2023, 11:47 AM