Finwe narrowed her gaze.
Uncrossing her arms again, in a fit of childish annoyance, stooped down and nabbed a pebble. And winged it at the offending party. Somewhere in the back or chestular region. It wasn't as if Fin could aim for shit. There was a reason no one let them near weapons. Ever.
Then, in a flash as if her little outburst hadn't occurred, Finwe was bubbly and excited again.
If I don't know?!Offense exuded off them as she stared at this woman. Seriously? Accusing them of not knowing what they'd been working with? She let out a huff, crossing arms over their chest.
Uncrossing her arms again, in a fit of childish annoyance, stooped down and nabbed a pebble. And winged it at the offending party. Somewhere in the back or chestular region. It wasn't as if Fin could aim for shit. There was a reason no one let them near weapons. Ever.
Fucking rude,she followed up with the weak yeet.
I happen to know exactly what I'm dealing with. It's not my fault your eyes only kind of work.
Then, in a flash as if her little outburst hadn't occurred, Finwe was bubbly and excited again.
Yes! This way!Without even pausing to see if the new company would follow them or not, she took off along the path at a good clip. Only a short distance away into the foliage, a small site would appear that was once a shrine of some sort. Fin'd not determined to whomst as of yet before having been sidetracked.
04-10-2023, 02:37 PM