Guide: How Time Works in Thedas
How Time Works in Thedas

Because Valiant Hearts is a real-time RP site, we polled the site about a year ago, about their preference for how time works onsite. You guys overwhelmingly said you either had no opinion, or you preferred OOC time to equal 2 or 3 months IC.

[Image: image.png]

So, OOC time works as such, in way of compromise:
January: 1.5 IC months onsite
Feb: 1.5 IC months onsite
Mar: 1.5 IC months onsite

Another example using the onsite calendar:
January (1.5 IC months) = Roleplaying in Wintermarch to about mid-Guardian.
Feb (1.5 IC months) = Guardian to Drakonis.
March (1.5 IC months) = Drakonis to Cloudreach

The staff team trusts that members will implement this if they want; it is not a requirement, but it is how site time officially moves. We won’t be policing this construct, but just know that every 2 OOC months equals about 3 IC months and you can choose to have things like pregnancies and child-growth follow this.

Messages In This Thread
Guide: How Time Works in Thedas - by Ivy - 04-25-2023, 12:11 PM
RE: How Time Works in Thedas - by Ivy - 04-25-2023, 12:13 PM
RE: Guide: How Time Works in Thedas - by Ivy - 04-29-2023, 01:22 PM