Guide: How Time Works in Thedas
The Thedas Calendar

The Thedosian calendar is similar to our own, consisting of twelve 30-day months. The majority of Thedas celebrates 5 major holidays mostly linked to the changing of seasons or the beginning of a new year.

All of the months have a name in ancient Tevinter, but most of Thedas use the common names.

1st month: Wintermarch (First Day)
2nd month: Guardian (Wintersend)
3rd month: Drakonis
4th month: Cloudreach
5th month: Bloomingtide (Summerday)
6th month: Justinian
7th month: Solace
8th month: August (All Soul's Day)
9th month: Kingsway
10th month: Harvestmere
11th month: Firstfall (Satinalia)
12th month: Haring

1st month: Verimensis (First Day)
2nd month: Pluitanis (Wintersend)
3rd month: Nubulis
4th month: Eluviesta
5th month: Molioris (Summerday)
6th month: Ferventis
7th month: Solis
8th month: Matrinalis (All Soul's Day)
9th month: Parvulis
10th month: Frumentum
11th month: Umbralis (Satinalia)
12th month: Cassus

Messages In This Thread
Guide: How Time Works in Thedas - by Ivy - 04-25-2023, 12:11 PM
RE: How Time Works in Thedas - by Ivy - 04-25-2023, 12:13 PM
RE: Guide: How Time Works in Thedas - by Ivy - 04-29-2023, 01:22 PM