The reluctant hero, but a hero nevertheless. Though it could also be argued the term was relative. In this iteration it seemed curiously close to a derogatory slur considering her retort. Oh yes. Yes. He liked this one. Not that he expected the Champion of Kirkwall to be a wilting wallflower just that she looked like she did suit crowns and she was simply in denial. Fixed with the same annoyingly slick sneer, he tilted his head as if in consideration of her legitimacy.
He turned slightly, reaching in front of her to grab an apple off a pile of other fruits.
So what you're saying is that you get what you want in the end.He bit down on the inside of his cheek as his eyes wrinkled with mirth.
No hero worship, no crowns, but woe be the one who forgets you snuck in at the last minute to save our sorry hides.When Khali snatched the bacon, Ronan was able to get a quick scratch behind her ears before she trotted off triumphantly.
Nothing past imparting deep adulation on my favorite her- champion. Would you sign my ass cheek if I promised to never speak of it again?Yes. He was well aware of her capabilities as a mage as he was aware of the rest of the mages he encountered. She could curse him into the Fade and back and he would probably ask for another go just for the sheer weight a story like that would claim.
He turned slightly, reaching in front of her to grab an apple off a pile of other fruits.
But speaking of timely arrivals, what were you in for? Because the rumors are boundless.He bit into the apple loudly.
04-26-2023, 02:39 PM