The edges of her lips would twitch in a grimace. [color=#0074d9]“You think so? I’m not good at the subtle stuff.”[/color] Blacksmith hands, their father had called them.[color=#0074d9] “I can’t keep lugging Anders with all the work. What if he trips over and bangs his head, who else is able?”[/color] Sure there were med-kits and Aveline was a good field medic but some injuries… Leaf shook her head. [color=#0074d9]“Besides, I’m always the one in need of it, clumsy as I am, makes some sense I learn to put myself together again.” [/color]
Smiling, she’d nod as Merrill informed of the progress made. Leaf couldn’t help the small scoff though, [color=#0074d9]“That’s what we do though. We look out for one another.”[/color] At least she tried to. They’d all helped her in various tasks and jobs, what friend would she be if she didn’t check on them, especially those who’d found themselves turfed out. The only stray who wasn’t a stray was Varric.
Smiling, she’d nod as Merrill informed of the progress made. Leaf couldn’t help the small scoff though, [color=#0074d9]“That’s what we do though. We look out for one another.”[/color] At least she tried to. They’d all helped her in various tasks and jobs, what friend would she be if she didn’t check on them, especially those who’d found themselves turfed out. The only stray who wasn’t a stray was Varric.
04-27-2023, 02:08 PM