Every nation in Thedas stamps their own coins. It used to be that they varied in size and purity, but the dwarven merchants used their powerful influence to standardize coins into gold pieces, silver pieces, and copper pieces.
Now, while each nation’s coins look unique and often have different names, their value is generally equivalent.
So Ferelden calls a gold piece a sovereign and Orlais calls it a royal, but both have the same value. A coin’s nation of origin usually doesn’t matter, so in Dragon Age the following terms are used as standard: gold piece (gp), silver piece (sp), and copper piece (cp).
100 copper pieces equals 1 silver piece, and 100 silver pieces equals 1 gold piece.
1 gold piece = 100 silver pieces = 10,000 copper pieces
Prices for most items are given in silver pieces, as that is the most common currency and the one used for day-to-day transactions. Gold pieces are much rarer and even one represents a good deal of money.
05-19-2023, 03:12 PM