A Meeting of Souls
Dreams.  Dreams were curious things, sometimes intangible and devoid of true meaning, but for those attuned to magic they could be much, much more.  What Jareth was describing felt like it belonged in the latter category - ones that held meaning, perhaps even reflections of what was or what was to be.  Perhaps he was one that had an affinity for them - it was hardly unheard of, especially now.

"I'll do my best to help - you've certainly peaked my curiosity," she said, gesturing for him to enter her office and take a seat once they arrived.  She offered a drink (she always kept water and tea on hand), as was only polite to do, and would get one for herself too if he accepted.

"Now, what can you tell me about these dreams?  How long have you been having them?  What stands out about them?"  There were a lot of questions to ask and answer before she could come to any sort of conclusion, but this seemed an easy enough place to begin their exploration.

Messages In This Thread
A Meeting of Souls - by Jareth - 06-05-2023, 10:28 PM
RE: Threads of Fate: A Meeting of Souls - by Bethany Hawke - 06-28-2023, 12:16 AM