Eularia shook her head slowly, his outburst about being unable to guide their son when he could not even guide himself, was met by an outburst of her own. She didn't think, she did not tamp the words in her throat.
Except there was no-one to hide behind now.
And fear is winning.
For a minute, she is frozen in place, staring at the man. His glamour is up, but only one person would call her a waste; would talk about Aethra like that. Her teeth dig into her lower lip.
Francesco! Have you ever thought, that maybe, it was too much to ask of one person? I have other things that guide me, but you, my love, you always looked to me.He's tightened his grip on her wrist, but it means nothing, he's never raised a hand to her.
You look at me like I am the moon, like I created the skies! Frankie, I'm just a woman. I'm, I'm not even an honest one. Did you ever, in all of our years chasing one another, stop to think that perhaps this pedestal you've created for me, is not something I deserve? You worship me, and I've never been certain that I deserve that reverence!The words fell from her lips like a river of poison, and yet she meant every word she spoke.
I'm just a wom—Her voice cut off, as fingers outstretched towards her face, and a voice hissed harsh words at her. Francesco grabbed the stranger's hand before she could stop him, and she curled her arms around herself, hugging herself. She felt like a small girl, ducking behind of her father's legs after she'd failed a training session—
Except there was no-one to hide behind now.
Fr... Frankie—Her voice felt as thought it was stuck, lodged, like she could not, dare not, speak the words she needed to say. Dark eyes are wide, fear fighting with the reality of the crumbling relationship in front of her.
And fear is winning.
For a minute, she is frozen in place, staring at the man. His glamour is up, but only one person would call her a waste; would talk about Aethra like that. Her teeth dig into her lower lip.
My Liege, he does not know who he speaks to. He's of no consequence—you're not here for him.She's quick to compose herself, as she moved to get between the two men.
You shouldn't be bothered with those who are unimportant in the grand scheme of what you hope to accomplish,she's weaving words, desperately.
07-12-2023, 12:23 PM