“Well it’s a pity for the people that live here but sadly these are always the first ones to fell, I saw it back then when the blight struck my home, Honnleath fell pretty fast despite of that we did our best to protect it from the darkspawn” she said remembering the desperation when her siblings realized that the only way to survive was to flee their home.
“My brother would be able to fill you better on that but yes, pretty much what you have said. I travel to other cities from time to time to offer my assistance to people and further my research” she shrugged a bit “It goes slower than I wished but steady. I do have finished a prototype medicine but I’d need someone that just got tainted in order to be sure of that it works and I am a bit scared to give that step, what if it kills the person instead of curing it? Despite of all my cautions only the Maker knows the future”
She offered him a smile "Your presence here is a breath of fresh air admittedly, it takes me a bit away from the work. This is my first night off in months" she admited shyly.
“My brother would be able to fill you better on that but yes, pretty much what you have said. I travel to other cities from time to time to offer my assistance to people and further my research” she shrugged a bit “It goes slower than I wished but steady. I do have finished a prototype medicine but I’d need someone that just got tainted in order to be sure of that it works and I am a bit scared to give that step, what if it kills the person instead of curing it? Despite of all my cautions only the Maker knows the future”
She offered him a smile "Your presence here is a breath of fresh air admittedly, it takes me a bit away from the work. This is my first night off in months" she admited shyly.
08-23-2023, 01:41 PM