Remember me For Centuries
Cullen nodded a few more times, eyes wide, it sounded amazing. If it weren’t his sister saying it all he’d say it sounded too good to be true. At first he focused on her words about the blight stuff, taking it all in. He tried to imagine any downsides to it, but was coming up short. He probably knew more about wardens than some because of his wife. He knew they could sense the darkspawn which could come in handy, but the downside to that was the darkspawn could sense them in return. It never felt like that much of a benefit.

It would certainly be easier to recruit Grey Wardens if it wasn’t a death sentence. Though I do dearly hope that we don’t see another blight in our lifetime. Two is more than enough. He imagined it would help the dwarves even more, since they had to deal with the darkspawn long after a blight was but a memory. Then he suddenly soaked in the other words she’d said, about the Antivan man, and backed up a moment. “A disease similar to the blight?” he asked.

Messages In This Thread
Remember me For Centuries - by Cullen Rutherford - 08-26-2023, 12:08 PM
RE: Remember me For Centuries - by Cullen Rutherford - 08-28-2023, 05:55 AM
RE: Remember me For Centuries - by Cullen Rutherford - 09-07-2023, 07:21 AM
RE: Remember me For Centuries - by Cullen Rutherford - 09-17-2023, 05:14 PM
RE: Remember me For Centuries - by Cullen Rutherford - 10-27-2023, 01:54 PM
RE: Remember me For Centuries - by Maeve Valathrian - 11-11-2023, 12:34 PM
RE: Remember me For Centuries - by Cullen Rutherford - 11-11-2023, 09:03 PM