Hush. We had to do what we had to do.He murmured, as he held her, in near silence. Eventually, she spoke again.
We will bring her home. But not yet, after you have rested. Have regained more of who you were.Because she was not whole yet, and she might never remember everything. The mind was a strange object, easy to manipulate but also easy to break.
Denaya is working. She's safe.He promised,
We can see her after you have had time to adjust.After he had had time to adjust to Mythal being here, in person, he could touch her...
They know me. And no, they do not blame you. At least, Denaya doesn't. Ari... she seems to blame herself.He suspected Stockholm, given how long Elgar'nan's had her.
But Ari is going to be complicated; she's been with Elgar'nan for millenia. There's going to be a lot to do, not just... bring her home. But to undo, redo, unteach, relearn.
He adjusted his hold on Mythal, and hugged her to him,
It'll take time. All of it. And we have time.They had time now; because he'd done it. He'd brought her home. She was here, in his arms, he could feel the rise of her chest as she breathed and the too-fast pitter-patter of her heart.
She was real.
She wasn't a dream.
10-20-2023, 12:13 PM