The Huntress mulled the questions over for a moment, trying to pull the meanings from the depths of her mind.
To the comment, she let out half a breathy laugh.
Blowing the smoke out slowly, she retracted the hand with the pouch and returned it to her belt.
Those who speak.She translated with a slight nod, as if this would explain everything.
Viddath... convert. Viddath-bas are... slaves.It was the best connection she could make for someone outside the Qun to understand.
To the comment, she let out half a breathy laugh.
I do not speak it. I was Qunari; am Tal-Vashoth. I speak Qunlat.The Huntress lifted her shoulders slightly in a shrug, taking another drag off her pipe.
Blowing the smoke out slowly, she retracted the hand with the pouch and returned it to her belt.
Protection.What else would she make it for?
It dries like bark on a tree,she added after a moment. With her free hand, she knocked on the tree she leaned against to make her point.
10-25-2023, 02:31 PM