Jail's just another Alehouse
Usually, he was breaking himself or people out of prison. This was the first time anyone had asked Colt to willingly go into one. The unusual request had the thief suspicious, upping his price by a few a couple hundred to ease the twist in his gut. Was this age, or was he getting sick, Colt wasn’t sure and none of his magey friends were around to wiggle their sparkly fingers and check.

Despite feeling a little out of it, Colt still played the part of the drunkard, swinging dramatically off one guard while singing. [color=#c10300]“...Countin’ all the arseholes in the roooooom, well, I guess I’m not aloooone, I’m not aloooooone.”[/color] The guard, bless him, was visibly grown tired of the lads antics, gripping his shoulders roughly and shoving him through the cell door. Colt stumbled on cue, the song suddenly cut off for making sure he didn’t plant himself into the floor. [color=#c10300]“RUDE!”[/color] he’d cry back, stumbling back to the now closed door to holler at the guards retreating back. [color=#c10300]“Could’a hurt ma’sel!” [/color]

His cellmate hadn’t been noticed until he spoke, causing Colt’s head to sharply turn.[color=#c10300] “How does anyone? … Usually cos they’re stupid. Sometimes luck. Other times…”[/color] he raised his arms, giving the man a mock bow.[color=#c10300] “Other times the drink, plus luck, plus stupid. Stupid is as stupid does.” [/color]

Maybe he shouldn’t have had that bottle or two of rum for this. Na. He’d be fine, might even be fun doing it, but it would certainly be a story.

OOC: Song - Volbeat: Still Counting

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Jail's just another Alehouse - by Jorah Mesonero - 11-11-2023, 12:45 PM
RE: Jail's just another Alehouse - by Colton Young - 11-13-2023, 02:08 PM
RE: Jail's just another Alehouse - by Jorah Mesonero - 01-31-2024, 09:48 PM
RE: Jail's just another Alehouse - by Jorah Mesonero - 02-04-2024, 05:09 PM
RE: Jail's just another Alehouse - by Jorah Mesonero - 02-17-2024, 03:45 PM
RE: Jail's just another Alehouse - by Jorah Mesonero - 06-01-2024, 07:38 PM