Research, Avoidance and Quiet Debts
He did not truly think it would have any affect, but that certainly did not stop him trying. Nor did it appear to deter the young man of his attempts at being more persuasive that went largely ignored by the elvhen. Perhaps others might be flattered, join in even, but he wasn't interested in such things. Never had been even as a young man himself, of course there were times in which words had been used to get what he needed. A task given and completed without raising a single weapon, deception was sometimes needed when seeking out bits of information, but that was no longer the case. With Mythal no more for so long now, he served no one. It hadn't even truly been service after she'd fell, his help readily offered and now he was free to do as he wished. Even if he really should return to that familiar fortress rather soon. Still it could be put off for another week or two, until he gathered what knowledge he could about the current situation for his people and perhaps even to aid those who had yet to awaken. 

Hazel eyes worked back and forth across the shelves quickly, title upon title passing him by, many of which he had already read long ago. Knowledge already known that he had witnessed before, those some bits were rarer then others, he would have time to indulge his own curiosities at a later date. What he sought out was not here, as he soon found, most of such tomes were after the fall certainly. Very few remained from prior, but they were repeats of knowledge that had been lost. Likely placed there by the handful of generations that came after his people, those that still vaguely remembered but had begun to lost their immortality. It was with a frown that he began to turn away, when something caught his eye as he heard that same voice speak up again. Not a book, but something born of magic and rather familiar.

A friend who truly might be able to help.

[color=#008e02]"There is nothing you can do no, but that spirit within you certainly might. Hello falon, it has been a long time."[/color]

While his tone was kept calm, conversational, it changed slightly as he greeted the spirit. Like one would an old friend, that such had survived even the fall and lived to today was something special and it meant they were far more likely to have seen something while helping others, then any record of a book here might provide him. A warmth shared almost, a familiarity with his own sense of being that could not be denied. He may have taken a body so long ago, but he still at times felt more like a wandering spirit then anything else.

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RE: Research, Avoidance and Quiet Debts - by Revas - 11-22-2023, 09:38 PM