I think moving in together is step five or six, so we've a ways to go, anyway.He stated, in agreement. Besides, he needed to finish up with the loose ends and give over power of the Coterie, as it were. Though she didn't know that just yet. She settled herself against him, straddling him, and he nodded, his smile fading slightly.
I know, Meg. But we'll make new memories. New dreams.It didn't diminish the fact she's mourned him for a decade, though, and he tapped her chin three times.
We'll make new plans, too.
Nairn drifted off, as her lips brushed against his finger.
Yeah. It doesn't feel quite real, yet.Another quiet agreement, before she's claimed his thumb in her mouth, declaring it hers.
And he laughs. A clear laugh, the sort of laugh he's not given in a while.
Lemme trade ya. Finger for a kiss.He'd wiggle his finger in her mouth, until she released it. And upon its release, he'd lean forward to kiss her.
Not at all a shy kiss; but certainly a gentle one. His newly freed hand found the base of her head, rested against her hair.
Breaking the kiss when he needs to take a breath, he rested his forehead against hers.
Mebbe you stay the night here... Not, not here like my office but my bedroom—He's stumbling over his words, in typical Nairn fashion, eventually giving up on clarifying what he'd meant because surely she understood.
11-24-2023, 03:10 PM