Lyric wasn’t fussed that Leaf hadn’t met Akibrus yet, she considered asking about Leaf’s sister. There felt like there was something obvious she was missing, but she decided against asking. She was having a pleasant time and felt whatever she was missing couldn’t possibly be that important.
She chuckled at the conversation about alternate curse words. Growing up her parents had always said that curse words were for the lower class and uncouth, that a proper lady had no place in using them. That had never stopped Lyric though from coming up with her own just to annoy.
As they lingered at the door, Aria made a few giggling noises and started playing with Lyric’s hair. Lyric poked her head in the kitchen to look around, but remained outside of it. She then looked over at Leaf and tipped her head.
She chuckled at the conversation about alternate curse words. Growing up her parents had always said that curse words were for the lower class and uncouth, that a proper lady had no place in using them. That had never stopped Lyric though from coming up with her own just to annoy.
As they lingered at the door, Aria made a few giggling noises and started playing with Lyric’s hair. Lyric poked her head in the kitchen to look around, but remained outside of it. She then looked over at Leaf and tipped her head.
Normally Aki would be the one to meet with Prince Sebastian, but since this little pet project of mine is, well not entirely my idea alone. Bethany and I talked about it one day at the Circle, and the idea just stuck with me as something I’d like to see to fruition, and Aki figures since it’s my brain child I should be the one to do it instead.She explained, though she still hadn’t really explained exactly what that brain child was yet.
11-29-2023, 03:18 PM