Cullen winced slightly, him and Lana had done a good job keeping their relationship troubles under wraps. They’d been facing a blight, and had their children to think of; but things hadn’t exactly been good for two or three years now. Even sleeping in separate rooms. He wasn’t sure how to explain the last few years, or where to begin even. Though if he was going to spill his guts to Elanna, he was thirsty and tired. Perhaps they could find a better place to talk about it all than standing where they were.
That’s a uh, rather loaded question. Perhaps we could find a better place to discuss it? I could really use a drink of some sort. I mean if that’s ok with you.He hated the idea of being an inconvenience, almost as much as he hated the idea of telling Elanna all the details, but people were bound to find out now that he wasn’t even putting up the pretense of living under the same roof as Lana any more.
11-29-2023, 04:29 PM