Arms around her shifted, one firmly holding her to him as the other reached to gently cup her cheek, thumb caressing her cheek. Adoring eyes took her face in, consumed by it while her voice filled his ears. A flash of apology flitted through his gaze but it returned to it’s previous state of awe. She truly was the most perfect creature to him, his true companion, investigating the mysteries of life with him.
And Manchette ruined it, yet their fire was never completely smothered.
[color=#c10300]“It only makes me love you all the more Ettie. I had to do the same. Our weakness was not accounting for his depravity at all. We were both fooled, both made to suffer, but you most of all.” [/color]His eyes hardened, a rare anger pushed forth. [color=#c10300]“He uses you, like a pawn, or a brood mare not as an equal. I cannot bear it, I will not.”[/color] Yet he was not a man of the Game, not entirely.
Mica. Mica could help me, the idle thought echoed in his mind. His arm tightened around her waist, shifting them around so he could seat her on the tables edge. Rene pressed his forehead against hers, inhaling her scent.[color=#c10300] “We are not helpless, ma vie. Let me kiss you, promise you, that I will have you by my side.” [/color]
And Manchette ruined it, yet their fire was never completely smothered.
[color=#c10300]“It only makes me love you all the more Ettie. I had to do the same. Our weakness was not accounting for his depravity at all. We were both fooled, both made to suffer, but you most of all.” [/color]His eyes hardened, a rare anger pushed forth. [color=#c10300]“He uses you, like a pawn, or a brood mare not as an equal. I cannot bear it, I will not.”[/color] Yet he was not a man of the Game, not entirely.
Mica. Mica could help me, the idle thought echoed in his mind. His arm tightened around her waist, shifting them around so he could seat her on the tables edge. Rene pressed his forehead against hers, inhaling her scent.[color=#c10300] “We are not helpless, ma vie. Let me kiss you, promise you, that I will have you by my side.” [/color]
11-30-2023, 01:18 PM