Guide: Alcohol in Thedas
Every country on the site has a specific type of alcohol that is the "norm". Each country has access to imports, of course, and may offer anything sold elsewhere. However, many of the characters onsite could not afford these imports, so we wanted to provide a guide on the common most drinks for your characters to have access to for cheap!

Alcohol Strength by Country:
  1. Elvish (Ancients/Aberrations): Their alcohols were so strong due to their immortal lifespans.
  2. Dwarven: Second highest alcohol content in Thedas, due to living underground and often in depressing times with darkspawn pressing upon their people's kingdoms.
  3. Free Marches: Fourth highest content, due to the sad state of the nation.
  4. Ferelden: The country is rather average, so they hold the fourth highest alcohol content in Thedas to offset the fact the country is poor.
  5. Orlais: Orlesians have a fairly low alcohol content, because the people are richer and social drinkers on the regular. No sense in getting drunk every night.
  6. Antiva: Wine country, but there are a lot of threats that would keep the Antivan people from producing extremely high alcohol content drinks, also because they're very social drinkers.
  7. Dalish/Wilders: Extremely low alcohol content due to nomadic tendencies, never staying in one place long enough to let alcohol ferment for very long. 

Types of Alcohol Widely Available:
  1. Elvish: Has the best of everything, but everything is 10x stronger than it needs to be. 
  2. Dwarven: Dark Ales
  3. Circle of Magi: Moonshine
  4. Free Marches: Beer
  5. Ferelden: Mixture, lots of folk beers or local brews and ales.
  6. Orlais: Wine, Absinth
  7. Antiva: Wine, Rum, Whisky, Brandy; primarily earthy spirits
  8. Rivain: Rum, Whisky, Burbon; think pirates
  9. Dalish: Mead/Moonshine
  10. Nevarra: Always had everything, lots of black market sales for imports
  11. Anderfels: Moonshine, Whisky

Messages In This Thread
Guide: Alcohol in Thedas - by Ivy - 12-06-2023, 07:50 PM