Alcohol Strength by Country:
- Elvish (Ancients/Aberrations): Their alcohols were so strong due to their immortal lifespans.
- Dwarven: Second highest alcohol content in Thedas, due to living underground and often in depressing times with darkspawn pressing upon their people's kingdoms.
- Free Marches: Fourth highest content, due to the sad state of the nation.
- Ferelden: The country is rather average, so they hold the fourth highest alcohol content in Thedas to offset the fact the country is poor.
- Orlais: Orlesians have a fairly low alcohol content, because the people are richer and social drinkers on the regular. No sense in getting drunk every night.
- Antiva: Wine country, but there are a lot of threats that would keep the Antivan people from producing extremely high alcohol content drinks, also because they're very social drinkers.
- Dalish/Wilders: Extremely low alcohol content due to nomadic tendencies, never staying in one place long enough to let alcohol ferment for very long.
Types of Alcohol Widely Available:
- Elvish: Has the best of everything, but everything is 10x stronger than it needs to be.
- Dwarven: Dark Ales
- Circle of Magi: Moonshine
- Free Marches: Beer
- Ferelden: Mixture, lots of folk beers or local brews and ales.
- Orlais: Wine, Absinth
- Antiva: Wine, Rum, Whisky, Brandy; primarily earthy spirits
- Rivain: Rum, Whisky, Burbon; think pirates
- Dalish: Mead/Moonshine
- Nevarra: Always had everything, lots of black market sales for imports
- Anderfels: Moonshine, Whisky
12-06-2023, 07:50 PM