Alaric tipped his head as Meg introduced him to her friend. Revas, couldn’t be a very common name, could it? The man looked familiar but what were the odds that he’d run into his old friend there in Meg’s home. The odds seemed astronomical, but yet, he couldn’t help but stare a bit at Revas as he tried desperately to pull up a mental image of the Revas he remembered. The problem was it had been hundreds upon hundreds of years since he’d laid eyes on Revas.
He was about to say something when Meg lost her balance. He would have helped her up, but Revas seemed to have it all in hand. Instead this gave him more time to observe Revas. Nah, it couldn’t be, it was probably just one big hilarious coincidence.
He was about to say something when Meg lost her balance. He would have helped her up, but Revas seemed to have it all in hand. Instead this gave him more time to observe Revas. Nah, it couldn’t be, it was probably just one big hilarious coincidence.
I need to invent a protection spell for you! Something that kicks in when you’re about to fall. Not sure how that would work but….He chuckled a bit, he didn’t know the first thing about inventing new spells. It definitely wasn’t something he felt he’d realistically be able to do, but if he could, he’d definitely make a spell for Meg. Then he looked back at Revas and decided, ya know what, fuck it.
I had a friend named Revas onceHis voice trailed off as he ought about the events surrounding the last time he and Revas had been in the same place together. Elgar’nan’s men attacking, trying to escape. Alaric realising that they weren’t going to, so he sacrificed his own freedom to lead Elgar’nan’s men away from Revas so the royal could escape. Not that it was all bad what came next, he did fall in love with Arithari, even if their situation was fifty shades of fucked up.
12-23-2023, 11:44 AM