Broken Solider, Silent Warfare
Aoife couldn’t quite hide the slight surprise in her face. She hadn’t expected the First Enchanter to be quite so close in age, Orsino had been far older and the position held the reputation of stuffy old men. Leaf would chuckle, accepting the invitation with a nod. [color=#0074d9]“I’m glad that I ordered Khali to remain outside. She would ruin your lessons, but all mabari love little ones.” [/color]

Once comfortable she cast her eyes over the class, taking in the stark contrast between the Gallows of her past and the new, almost libertarian dream. There was a sting in her mind, a gripe to herself for her own stubbornness. [color=#0074d9]“Bethany and Sebastian tell me you are doing research… into possessions,”[/color] the words came slowly, a shoulder rolled awkwardly. [color=#0074d9]“I have… a particularly volatile one. A demon of rage.”[/color] Leaf grinned, head dipping to scoff a laugh. The sick joke would never get old, not to her, not after everything she’d been through.

[color=#0074d9]“I came because the two people I trust most in this life, believe you might be able to help me.”[/color] The casual aloofness that she gave off gave way to the mature, responsible elder sibling. [color=#0074d9]“I don’t want to succumb again to Korr and kill anyone. I already live with enough regrets.” [/color]

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Broken Solider, Silent Warfare - by Aoife Hawke - 01-19-2024, 05:10 PM
RE: Broken Solider, Silent Warfare - by Aoife Hawke - 01-22-2024, 03:13 PM