Elanna smiled. [color=#17b529]"I don't blame her. I know it takes a lot longer without them, but the Eluvians have never been my favorite way to travel either. I prefer to keep my feet squarely in this realm, thank you very much."[/color] That they were so laden with magic she didn't understand also didn't sit totally well, but that wasn't something she was going to voice to him. She'd grown more comfortable with magic over the years - living in close quarters with mages for some time would do that to you - but not everything was always going to sit right.
[color=#17b529]"Besides, you'd never want to miss all these sights and smells,"[/color] she said, gesturing to the city around them. Was that a touch of sarcasm in her tone? Oh, perhaps. For the most part she enjoyed the city, but there were certain sights, smells, and messes that came with them she could do without.
[color=#17b529]"Besides, you'd never want to miss all these sights and smells,"[/color] she said, gesturing to the city around them. Was that a touch of sarcasm in her tone? Oh, perhaps. For the most part she enjoyed the city, but there were certain sights, smells, and messes that came with them she could do without.
01-26-2024, 11:52 PM