Past] I'm Old School, like flowers, dates and stuff
While his brows rose to the heaven’s, Colt burst out laughing, quickly reigning in the awkward outburst with a clearing of his throat.[color=#c10300] “Heh, eh. Na, na.”[/color] his head shook, [color=#c10300]“I don’t mix those two, bad for both sides. Different kind of beating for one thing. Not something ladies should have to deal with.” [/color]He couldn’t stand it when a lad, no matter the size, took to laying a hand on a woman. Colt had watched his mother suffer, tried and failed to do anything about it, but he wouldn’t allow it for anyone else. [color=#c10300]“No. We guests in the Old Git’s place, your place. You shouldn’t need to. I know you a wee spitfire, but the odds weren’t in your favour.”[/color]

He followed her lead like a dumb pup, brows lifting, surprised at being offered Ruth’s spot, but didn’t offer any argument. It was nice. This was nice, having his arm draped over and her nestled and tucked away. A small chink in the tension shifted with the fuzzy, giddiness it caused to course through him, but simultaneously made him nervous, unsure of himself. A shy lop-sided grin began creeping along his face and he tried to mask the head rising in the back of his neck by awkwardly rubbing it.

The last girl to hang off his arm had made a chump of him, but he was quick to admit his fault in it too. He’d been distracted, working and thinking too much on the ‘maybe’s,’ his mind elsewhere when she’d followed him out here and even in Colt’s dreams faces switched and the wrong name mumbled between his lips. It wasn’t fair, and he attempted to end things before any further pain was dealt. But not soon enough since he caught her a month back with one of his ex-crew.

He let those dark thoughts drift into the wind, attention fully hers when answering him. Letting his eyes sweep over the bar, just to be sure all was carrying on as he’d ordered. Colt took the mug without much protest, grin flashing, [color=#c10300]“Clever lass, never put these chumps on the good stuff. They’d have eaten you alive...”[/color] his voice trailed off as a bare leg was soon joined by another across his lap.

There was about a three second delay between him realising and necking the mug’s contents in one go. The heat from his neck flared back into life, creeping up towards his ears as his gaze lingered on her legs a moment before snapping back to her face. Colt hadn’t heard a word, all the bells in his mind were sounding off and posing questions as to how smooth her skin felt even through his clothes.[color=#c10300] “Hot water?”[/color] His brow wrinkled then unfurled as he laughed a little, [color=#c10300]“I… I uh. I reckon I’m good here a bit. Unless… Unless you’re fed up dealing with these shits gawking.”[/color]

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RE: [Past] I'm Old School, like flowers, dates and stuff - by Colton Young - 02-04-2024, 12:39 PM