Mica smiled warmly at Rene’s words, it felt good being with someone that knew her brother. As heavy as the grief was, she was so focused on finding Adaria she hadn’t properly mourned yet, eventually it would hit her all at once, and then she’d grieve, once she knew Addy was safe.
As if he’d wait that long to go after you, he’d come back as a spirit first and haunt you.She said with a chuckle, all while eyeing the alcohol. Nope, she needed to keep somewhat level headed, one was plenty. She sighed and then tipped her head as Rene answered her question. She felt bad for Rene and Claude. She’d gladly spend the money to send an assassin after Geralt, though apparently he had some sort of fail safe in place, that if he ever died by suspicious circumstances, Claude’s family would pay the price.
Mi querido, lo siento mucho.She muttered, she imagined there was no chance that Claude wouldn’t go to the wedding of a pair of dear friends.
There’ll be lots of people there, perhaps you won’t even run into her.She wanted more than anything else to see a happy ending for Rene and Claude, but she was also a realist and there was a lot weighing against the two.
02-05-2024, 04:17 PM