You're My Only Hope
No Triggers
It was nice to have a good piece of Kirkwall around. So many of the memories there were tainted by that last fateful choice he made there. He deserved their anger and their feelings of betrayal. He had betrayed them. Whatever his intentions were they weren’t good enough and he knew no amount of apology would do anything to heal that.

Of course, Bethany was the kindest woman alive and he was sure she couldn’t hold a grudge if it had handles. It wasn’t surprising to him that she was the one that was here, talking to him. Giving him updates on the others. Maybe he should write Leaf? The worst that could happen would be her ignoring it. Or sending a return letter with creative profanities. The last he’d seen the woman she’d been comatose and he’d been standing over her like a watchmen, keeping those who would bother her away. He’d made himself scarce right after her recovery of course in order not to bother her. She had others he felt she would be more happy to see upon her waking. Helping her how he did was enough for him.

Why am I not surprised. I swear, they are either blind or more stubborn than iron. Maybe locking them in a room together is the only way to do something. he grinned, getting some fresh bread from the cabinet with some sweets and laying them on the table as well.

He settled in his favored chair, hands steepled on his chest, listening intently. A small frown settled on his face, his brow wrinkling. When she mentioned that her spirit was a shard he sat up a bit straighter and took a deep breath before heading for his books, Andoral isn’t a Evanuris… he muttered to himself, stretching his fingers out a bit from the phantom pain that Elgar’nan had left him with when he was pulled out of his body and soul, I can’t see anyone intentionally trying to piece Old Gods together so that’s… a bit of a relief at least. Are you missing any bits of memory? Shards are… Well, you’d be better off with a spirit or even a demon but it’s not all bad. If we can find out what the shard wants…

Messages In This Thread
You're My Only Hope - by Bethany Hawke - 02-03-2024, 03:18 AM
RE: [Past-ish?] You're My Only Hope - by Anders - 02-05-2024, 09:16 AM
RE: [Past-ish?] You're My Only Hope - by Anders - 02-06-2024, 10:04 AM
RE: [Past-ish?] You're My Only Hope - by Anders - 02-09-2024, 09:45 AM
RE: [Past-ish?] You're My Only Hope - by Anders - 04-23-2024, 10:58 AM
RE: [Past-ish?] You're My Only Hope - by Anders - 06-01-2024, 12:17 AM