A sense of impending doom
The loss had nearly killed her spiritually. Ruth had been there, a shoulder to lean on, but somewhere, Megara had found strength to go on. Helping others helped eased some of her own pain, the smiles of relief and gratitude on their faces, a salve to the deep gulf in her heart, but it was Sylaise’s awakening that really began to drive her to become stronger.

The tunnel would turn, the angle steepening as they’d reach a ladder leading into the butchers basement. Resting her hand on one of the ladder rungs, Meg sighed, realising she had done nothing of the plan she and Sylaise had set out to do. [color=#008e02]“I guess I’m just gonna have to wrangle up supplies to send through and just hope it gets to people. Maybe I’ll ask Ruth to pay John-Marc a visit, see if the Coterie’s willing to distribute the worst hit for us.” [/color]

There was hesitation there, she didn’t fully trust the man, not after he sent her away and cancelled what debt she had. If any. The elusive mage might have felt some pity given how much she lost.

[color=#008e02]“Ruth is both a smart ass and a dumbass.” Megara[/color] chuckled, her smile softening. [color=#008e02]“His mouth and temper are his undoing, but he is a kind soul deep down. A loyal friend, once made, but he would never admit that either.”[/color] Ever since they’d met, Meg had understood there was that underlying want to belong in him, yet his trust had been so violated it was easier to keep everyone at some distance.

[color=#008e02]“Ready to go home though, I can brew us a nice cup of coco?”[/color]

Messages In This Thread
A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 07-27-2023, 11:48 AM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 08-22-2023, 10:26 AM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 08-27-2023, 09:40 AM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 09-14-2023, 12:49 PM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 11-18-2023, 01:36 PM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 11-30-2023, 11:15 AM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 02-01-2024, 01:47 PM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 02-07-2024, 12:00 PM
RE: A sense of impending doom - by Megara Neirdre - 02-09-2024, 12:51 PM