Broken Solider, Silent Warfare
Aoife sat attentively, her gaze shifting between the scene of children and the enchanter overseeing. [color=#0074d9]“No. Korr is definitely not easy,”[/color] she’d confirm, her voice was quiet, but still easily audible.

As the demon stood from a swirl of magic, her body tensed, expecting chaos to be unleashed, but nothing of the sort happened. Unsettled, she’d nod. [color=#0074d9]“Children adapt more easily, braver too… adults less so, we fear what we don’t understand.” [/color]

Watching the coexistence between demon and child surprised Hawke, unsure if the two could get to that point of trust. [color=#0074d9]“I used to think my own head was enough of a nightmare… and then I was stuck with a creature literally called such.” [/color]

Meeting his gaze, Leaf nodded, taking a quiet breath before beginning. [color=#0074d9]“He sought me out specifically. He fights me constantly for control. Succeeded once and killed a few people, including my mabari before I managed to regain my senses. He’s also expressed that any attempt to have him exorcised, he won’t hesitate to kill me.”[/color] Her face hardened, that was obviously not a keen outcome, nor one she was sure had merit, but she wasn’t about to try it without checking.

[color=#0074d9]“He keeps harking on about my potential for destruction. My anger.”[/color] Aoife inhaled slowly, collecting herself since she’d threaded the fingers of one hand through the strands of grass, digging them into the dirt. [color=#0074d9]“I’ve wanted the same thing ever since I left Lothering. Peace and quiet. Fate, if you believe in it, seems intent on serving me challenges.”[/color] Her eyes glanced over the scene of children, playing together, unafraid of one another and the spirits surrounding, dwelling and co-existing with them. It was idyllic, innocent.

[color=#0074d9]“I want control, or at least a way we can compromise. There’s no trust, and neither of us can see or have any reason to. About the only thing I can trust is he’ll try to burn everything to the ground.”[/color] Ripping out some grass, Leaf’s hands delved in again. [color=#0074d9]“Sometimes… rarely, he does say something true which doesn’t set me off, but I … I don’t know. Better the devil you know?” [/color]

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Broken Solider, Silent Warfare - by Aoife Hawke - 01-19-2024, 05:10 PM
RE: Broken Solider, Silent Warfare - by Aoife Hawke - 02-12-2024, 02:47 PM