The Most Important Rule is Kindness
Her eyes widened, grin becoming feral at him granting her wish. A squeal of a giggle fell as they shifted and Meg eagerly took his hands to join him in the open space.

Hands, feet, were guided, her eyes and mind acutely following his instruction despite her obvious excitement. She’d glance up at him now and again, her grin widening every time they locked eyes with their movement around the room.

There was a familiarity to the tempo though, a soothing pace that drew Meg deeper into his chest. Nairn’s counts were replaced by hums, but that wasn’t the tune…. Her own voice joined his, softly shifting into the melody of a song too long forgotten.

[color=#008e02]“Come away with me, in the night…”[/color]

[color=#44b8ff]Song Linky[/color]

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RE: The Most Important Rule is Kindness - by Megara Neirdre - 02-14-2024, 11:03 AM