Past] I'm Old School, like flowers, dates and stuff
[color=#c10300]“Love’s funny like that though, it’s not somethin’ anyone can control,”[/color] he found himself mumbling out, eyes widening as the words fell. [color=#c10300]“Um. Yeah, plus dogs I think see more than folks do. People got their masks up, makes it hard sometimes.”[/color] Colt shivered as her ear traced along the skin of his neck, and as the glass shattered to spook her, Colt’s arms tightened around her briefly before releasing back to its previous tension. A grin spread across his face as he pressed his chin against her head. [color=#c10300]“You’re really snuggly, you know that?”[/color] A brow rose, even if she couldn’t see it, grin curling further for a moment.

He didn’t pay attention to the murmurings downstairs, that was wrapped up with all of tomorrow’s business and at this moment he was perfectly content as he was. Though at the back of his mind, Colt knew he’d be harassed the whole way back once on the road. He wouldn’t tell a soul about their night. It wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs. Though his bright pink face would give the lads plenty to quibble about and muse over, as long as they kept it respectful no-one would lose a tooth or two. [color=#c10300]“Probably his way of sayin’ folks always need someone like that in their corner,”[/color] he’d muse, shoulders giving the slightest of shrugs.

Feeling the cold of her nose, Colt’s head tilted towards hers, brows concerned,[color=#c10300] “Still cold?” [/color]He’d draw her extended hand back into the folds of the blanket, releasing it to tuck the fabric higher across her nose. Chiding himself internally for his stupidity, he should’ve taken more care, brought more blankets, if she came down with something cos of him he’d hear no end of it from the healer. And Ruth didn’t get to spoil this and come out as the saviour, not this time.

[color=#c10300]“Afraid I don’t know much about him, only that he was an elf and he helped the wee wifey. Mabari’s are smart though, bet they were on good terms,”[/color] Colt knew bits and pieces from what his mother had tried to teach him, but he didn’t really care about it enough to be invested. If the Maker had any power he’d have spared him and his mother years of abuse at the hands of his drunk for a father. But he didn’t, so Colt was content to believe that fate was their own to forge and live as he pleased. His mothers kindness however, was something that couldn’t be extinguished in him, no matter how much his father tried to beat it out of him.

[color=#c10300]“Some,” [/color]he’d nod, [color=#c10300]“A lot of them were silly ones, for children, that my Ma would tell me to get me to sleep. I’ve… not been back there for a long time now, maybe she’s got more, I dunno.”[/color] Truth be told he was scared of what he might find if he did. [color=#c10300]“I got heaps of Coterie ones and no I ain’t gonna tell you a heap about them. They ain’t stargazin’ talk.” [/color]

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RE: [Past] I'm Old School, like flowers, dates and stuff - by Colton Young - 02-25-2024, 11:05 AM