No.1 to No.2 - Judgement Calling
Dearest Death,

Oh? I do love to hear that we have increased our number. For the good of the Country, of course. She needs us shadows to keep her on the right path and more eyes and ears are always useful. Your judge of character is, as always, impeccable and I’m sure they’ll provide a perfect addition. The Crows will eventually earn their long awaited

He will do what he can. Eventually that may not prove enough, but currently we are not at that precipice. Not yet. Our Father left large shoes to fill, in time he may fill them and if not? Well, true Judgement will come. 

Yes, outsiders have no idea the constraints the position such as ours entail. I have no doubt since I am soon to be of age, my brother wishes to ‘settle’ me with a husband. I am not opposed to such an alliance being made, I simply wish to be consulted of the potentials and that is not how my brother is supposedly handling this. I will be swiftly correcting him of this. What a truly awful gift to give someone, no?

If you find yourself my way soon, do drop by. My company has grown again too since my Nanny has finally caught up with me.

with appreciation,

Messages In This Thread
RE: No.1 to No.2 - Judgement Calling - by Adaria Campana - 02-25-2024, 12:38 PM