[+MATURE Grapefruit]The Day the World Ends
Suicidal thoughts are included in this thread.
"When have I ever been quiet?" She murmured, watching as her wife removed her robe. Her gaze trailed down the other woman's form, and she reached to drag her fingers along her ribs, murmuring, "I miss your muscles."

And then, Kaczor was undressing her and Ella helped gather the dress over her head. "I love you, Kaczor Tilani." She leaned for a kiss, breaking it to murmur, "If you need to stop, tell me."

Ella had managed to lose much of her baby weight; though that didn't stop the stretch marks from becoming a permanant part of her flesh. Or the slight pouch to her stomach; since she hadn't seen any reason to build muscle. One of her hands palmed her wife's erection through the loose trousers she so enjoyed, her gaze fixed on the other woman's face, watching for signs of discomfort.
She still didn't know if she could trust the woman; if the re-education had taken. She suspected it had not... but then, they could have easily trained her to spy. She, after all, was that person, an infiltrator of resistance groups. They'd welcome her in with open arms, until she watched the light snuffed from their eyes.

But right now, at least, she had her wife. And they were touching each other, kissing one another... Even though this wouldn't fix everything; it at least gave them a chance. She suspected they'd not deal with re-upped dysphoria every now and then from Kaczor, but one day at a time.
"I can work on getting them back.  I want to be able to carry you around again, not just the baby."  Her hands trembled as they went to Ella's sides, those silver lines there doing nothing to cool down the ardor that was building inside, and the undoing that happened when she was palmed, making a quick mess of her silk trousers.  "Damnit.  It's been way too long.."

But instead of stopping, she leaned in, her mouth closing on a nipple and gently sucking, tongue flicking against flesh before she was on to the other.  Not even the taste of breast milk that came with the action could keep her from this now, as her hands went lower to along her wife's mound, and then deft fingers tried to work the edge of her under garments aside.  "I've loved you since the moment I had you on the gallery table.  I'm going to slip my fingers inside you now, to curl against that fleshy bit inside you that will have you seeing stars while we wait for my cock to get hard again, hmm?"

Sex, it seemed, helped bring her back out of that shell.  It had been the thing Kaczor had been good at right along in her life, and it had been the thing she most enjoyed giving to her wife.  Regardless of whether it brought her any release or not.  "Let me put my mouth here," the plea was purred as two fingers sank deep into her wife, testing for if she was ready enough for when Kaczor was ready again.  Not as slick as she'd like her to be.  She hadn't done her job yet.  "Climb up here love, I've not had my favorite meal in over a year and I'm famished for you.."  She laid back on the couch, making room for Ella to come straddle her head. No she wasn't trying to prevent Ella from paying too much attention to her dick until it'd be time to bend her over the side of the couch.  "Please, Ella, I'm starving.."


"Oh," she would have looked between them; at where her hand rested and her wife was quickly softening… Except, Kaczor's mouth found her breasts and she groaned, bracing her hands on her own thighs. "That sounds like a good plan," she curled her toes and adjusted herself, trying to ensure her wife had an easy time slipping her fingers inside of her.

And then they were changing position; Kaczor was laying down and Ella chuckled breathlessly. "You're an absolute delight." She wondered if she'd tried to touch her wife, in her first week home, would things have gotten so bad? It wasn't a secret that Kaczor's love language was very much a physical touch, above all else.

After a moment to decide how she'd straddle the other woman's head, she steadied herself by hooking her feet over the arm of the couch.


As soon as she had her wife above her, she buried her face between those creamy thighs, mouth immediately at work suckling and licking over her clit.  Kaczor would spend days on end doing nothing but, of they were allowed the luxury of such.  But the baby could wake at any moment, and this was first first time she had her wife in… nearly two years.  She wanted to savor the act, the taste, relearn everything that made her sigh happily, and gasp.

So she went slow, Arms wrapped up around her thighs to keep her steady.  She's start to work out again, for her get her muscles back.  It didn't matter if she was a spy, this was her wife, and she'd give up everything for her.  For her and their child.  She paused, cheeks wet as she leaned her head back, just the tip of her tongue delving between folds, over the bundle of nerves, her eyes up on her wife's face.  “I dreamed of this.. nearly every night.  Was hard and leaking, every night dreaming of coming back to you.”

Because between the anger, and the hurt, she still loved the woman that sat on her face, that was soaking her, that had her growing harder by the moment to possibly be inside her.  This was what she had needed, so so long, the physical reconnection with her wife. And now that it was started, she wanted nothing more than to keep suckling, keep licking, until Ella was a quivering mess, only then would she seek to move them again, to lay Ella back on the couch and then find her way back to life with her wife's legs wrapped around her and screaming her name.  “Oh, Ella darling I've missed you so much..”


Ella was quiet, biting back every whimper or moan. At least, until her wife informed her that she dreamt of her every night, and the effect those dreams had had on her. That earned a very audible moan, and she pressed her hand to her mouth to muffle the sound.

She kept her hand over her mouth, her other hand gripping the back of the couch. "Kaczor Tilani, our daughter's a... asleep," she scolded, finally. She thought she'd found her voice; but her wife's movements still made her voice waiver.

The world was coming undone in more ways than one.


She reached a hand up, and covered Ella's mouth as she finally speared her tongue into her, withdrawing and then doubling her efforts on the poor woman's clit.  She paused only to offer a small, “Shh, Darling, don't wake the baby.”
The tone had been incredibly teasing, and as soon as she felt her wife start to tremble with the reach for orgasm, she used what little physical strength she had left to flip them, hand going down to offer much needed stimulation to push Ella over the edge, while her lips crashed into the other woman's. 

It was a sloppy, needy kiss, more designed to swallow down and absorb the sounds that might wake the infant, even as she grinned into it, and then fed deeper still.  She was hard, and about to have another premature incident, all the more excited and aroused she was by her wife's cries.  “I'll never stop wanting to taste all of you..”


Muffled by her spouse's lips, Ella cried out, with the change in position her hands dug into the other woman's shoulders. One of her legs pressed against Kaczor's ass, and she groaned as the kiss was broken, "Please, please, please, fuck me. Please-please-please-please." It's all she could say; all she could think about.

She needed more than just her wife's mouth. Begging wasn't her style; not since the early days. "I'll be quie-t," she drawled the last letter out, nails digging into Kac's shoulders as she tried to guide the other woman to what she wanted. As if that'd make the hand on her clit stop.


She didn’t need much more of an invitation than that, the had that had been thumbing a circle over Ella’s tender skin quickly moved to guide herself right where her wife was begging for, a low groan leaving her as soon as she bottomed out, hips flush.  She stayed there a moment, breathing down a deep breath to try and not immediately lose herself.  She had dreamed of their coupling for so long during their forced separation, had kept herself partially sane by imagining the day she could come back to her wife and have physical affections with her once more.

“Shh, darling, shh, I’ve got you,”  And she did, hips rising and falling once she was capable of doing such, her dark eyes seeking out her wife’s, to hold that gaze, that intimacy all the more.  If she felt the nails along her shoulders, she didn’t show it, no, she was swimming in Ella’s gaze, adjusting her movements based off her facial reactions, relearning exactly what pleased her after so long without so much as a touch.  Ella was a lesson that she would learn over and over again, if her wife let her.  “With me?”  Kazcor panted against her lips, seeking out that kiss once again, knowing neither of them were very far from being lost.


Ella, despite focusing hard to keep her face neutral most of the time, fell apart during sex. Her face became a tell-all, portraying whether she liked something or not more than any other part of her body.

Another kiss, even if her chest felt too tight. Kaczor muffled another whimper. Oversimulation, especially when she wasn't used to being touched by another person... She wasn't sure which of them came first—her wife or herself. The difference was miniscule; one and then the other.

After, Ella nudged Kaczor up, so that she could sit upright... Only to immediately snuggle against the other woman's side. "Never leave me again." She murmured, claiming a kiss. Ten minutes of half-laying on her wife, before she moved to stand up and dress. She'd save a shower for another day.

"You bathe first." She nodded towards the bathroom, and leaned to cup the other woman's face in her hands. "I love you, Lady Tilani." She brushed the tips of their noses together.

The act is too short for her liking, her stamina gone from a year of disuse and abstinence from her wife, nearly two, when it comes down to it.  So when they return to sitting, she's still panting.  “Come back here, Lady Tilani..”
When her wife was off balance for the nose rub and kiss, she wrapped her arms around Ella's waist and brought her back to her lap, cradling the woman to her, and fully expecting a punch to the nose.  She wasn't ready to let go yet, and she wasn't about to go bathe just yet either.  They could sit and enjoy one another a few moments longer.  They could linger – Annie was still asleep, and she had their little world warded to the hells and back.

And if Kaczor was completely honest with herself, she liked the idea of a small home, three rooms. The baby near by, her naked wife on her lap.  She leaned in and mouthed at one of the scars along where Ella's wings had once been, a purr coming from her as she did.  “I love you too, Ella Tilani, my life.  You and Annie are the only things in this life time that matter to me, without either of you, I forget how to breathe, how to be.  Stay here with me, a little longer.  We're safe, rest, let me protect you like I've always promised.”

Her lips touched the other woman's for a moment, more love that lust, more need than want.  “Let me hold you a little while longer, please.  You've no idea how much the idea of letting go of you right now fills me with absolute terror.”  Kaczors lips pressed to Ella's forehead, her eyes closed as she held her wife closer. 


Ella giggled softly, when she's pulled onto her wife's lap. She adjusted how she was seated, so that she could slip one arm around Kaczor. Quiet, listening. Her fingers toy with the hair at the nape of her spouse's neck, just peeking out from under the scarf she wore.

"I can protect myself quite well, thank you very much." There's no bite to her words, though, as she rested her head against Kaczor's shoulder. "Czora... were you going to hurt yourself?" She doesn't often call her wife by a nickname, especially not in public given that her favorite nickname almost sounds like another word for ruler.

The kiss is sweet; and Ella sighed when her wife murmured that the idea of releasing her filled her with terror. "We're going to be okay." She promised, softly. "You'll be okay." The hand playing with short tufts of hair hasn't stopped, idling just like she had when Kaczor's hair had been longer.


“I might have.  Been setting a plan in motion.  Yes.”  Kaczor has never been one to put the truth lightly, and she's never kept the truth from Ella once a deception had served it's purpose.  “Until that first bolder of the wall came down and crashed just next to us and I had a true taste of what that would feel like for you.”

She leans her cheek over on her wife's head, pulling a blanket up and over the both of them to keep warm in the house as it gets close to night fall, to the time when the temperature would drop, and she lobs a quick fire ball over into the fire place to light it so they didn't have to move.  “I'm sorry, I thought maybe you and Annie would be better off without me.”  She turned her face into Ella's neck, breathing in the other woman's scent, taking comfort from having her close, having her there, the scent of her hair and skin, the feel of her weight pressed gently into her, things that she had tried to hold onto in prison that had been taken by torture.  “I can't imagine what you went through out here was any better.  What you thought bringing me home.”  She feels a shiver go through her as those fingers toy at her neck line, the noise indicating just how much she appreciated the touch.  “We never got the chance to have moments like this, before everything went to shit.”


She's quiet, for a long moment. "I'm sorry, that you felt like that. I'm sorry that I made you feel like that." She knew it wasn't just her; it was the torture that the country's prison called re-education. But she was the one who sent her wife there; even if it was because she was backed into a corner and forced.

"Annie needs her mapa. So do I." She murmured, as she let Kaczor bury her face against her neck. She's quiet, her fingers continuing their motion. And then she whispered, "In the morning, let me fix your hair. You've enough to shape into a pixie, so that it's less ragged as it grows." She pressed a kiss just above her wife's ear.

"Annie and I, we're not going anywhere."


“It was momentary, and events have lead me to realize I was wallowing in my own inability to see what I have, right in front of me.”  She stroked a hand down Ella's side, enjoying the reconnection, the filling of her proverbial cup with something as simple as the physical connection.  She had been denied it for so long that she had needed that closeness, the intimacy, to feel “okay”.  “I'm pretty ashamed I took it to such extremes, but we've known right along I'm not one to do anything half-arsed.”

She grinned at the confirmation she was needed – words of affirmation and physical intimacy had done more to correct her world view than than a falling boulder had.  Things started to feel right inside finally.  Well, as right as they could, knowing Ella was still a spy.  Potentially.  Godsdamnit all, why did it have to be this way?

“Hm?  Oh.. honestly with the scarf I feel almost normal.  You don't think a pixie will have me looking too manly again, do you?”  She made an exaggerated disgust face, before her features slacked back into their normal happy configuration, even the lines on her face, made more apparent by her recent history, were naturally set to one's of a smile.  “As normal as possible.  And darling, if you and Annie went off without me I'd just have to track you down.  In a.. in a not creepy way, oh, that does sound rather bad doesn't it.  It still stands, I would find you.  You, and her.  Always “


Ella hummed, "You shouldn't feel ashamed... Re-education is meant to break you, then they re-create you into what they want." It's the first time she's really addressed or admitted that she knows exactly what re-education is. "They drive you to extremes, so that you'll drag yourself back out of the grave and obey." Her words are hollow, and she toyed with the amulet against her chest.

"I'm just glad you're home." She murmured, the conversation shifted to the offer of a haircut, and she tittered. "Maybe. But at least let me layer your hair. You never know, with a feminine cut you might like it. And if you don't, well... scarves. Lots and lots of scarves, in every color."

And then her wife was joking about stalking her, and she patted her cheek gently. "My love, if I wanted to leave and not be found, I would. Don't fret."
She adjusted how she sat, murmuring, "Now, rest. We have no idea what the morning holds."

The Next Morning
Once her wife had fallen asleep, Ella disentangled herself from her arms, covered her back up, and took care of the baby; ensured the little one would sleep well with a dose of sleep aide. And by morning, when Annie finally woke with a whine, Ella was nowhere to be seen.

She took nothing with her to indicate whether she had left or was returning. And she would not return until noon, entering through the servants' quarters, with a group of people behind her. "We'll do a proper tour after you meet my spouse, and our daughter."

She stepped from the kitchen and into the sitting room, hanging the rapier on a hook near the door, hearing the quiet giggles of a wide-awake baby. Ella turned to claim a box of pastries from one of the slaves she'd come home with. "Czora, have you eaten?"


“No, no, no, I've not eaten, my darling. I've barely breathed since I woke up, with Annie, alone, and frankly crying, the both of us, for a while, since our goodnight was a discussion about not being found if you didn't want to be!”  It wasn't a yell, but her voice was tense, as she had been trying to keep it together for Annie for several hours.  Once she had discovered the sleeping tonic, she had done quick magic to undo the effects, and had gone into auto-pilot taking care of Annie's needs.  And showering.  Kac had taken the baby in with her and they had played in the water for nearly an hour because they could.

“Are those from La Grande? The little bakery down by the square, you're kidding me, its still standing?”  An hangry Kac was not a happy one, but honestly she was too filled with relief seeing her wife there again.  But, after the rapier was hung up, and Kac's eyes had roamed over the slaves, and then returned to her wife, she had pulled the other woman around the corner and out of sight.  Her voice dropped to a whisper, “Don't think pastries and new company will stop me from not freaking out.  Now kiss me so I can calm down and be fine that apparently we have new slaves in the house.  I thought you didn't want any replacements?”

Gears were turning.


Ella didn't flinch, the other woman hadn't raised her voice, not since the very first time she'd done it. "Take a deep breath. Mmm, La Grande's standing tall. And selling out." As she was pulled out of sight, she leaned to give the woman a kiss.

"You're the one that told me we needed new slaves. I decided if we've got to have them, I'll pick them. And those ones came very highly recommended." She cupped Kaczor's face in her hands, after setting the box of pastries on a countertop. "Besides, I don't want you overwhelmed. You're not quite well yet." There's an edge to her voice, and she pressed another kiss to her wife's mouth.

"I'd like to keep you healthy. And I think... having help around the house will help do that. Even if all they manage to do is keep an eye on you for me." Because she's worried; she'd be stupid to believe her wife's fine now.

She's not fine; not this soon after being released.


She lingered in the kiss, even with Annie’s little hands pulling on her head scarf, even thought there were others near by.  She didn’t care, Ella was right there, and all she wanted was to lose herself in that kiss, even if it felt a little brief, but then her lips were replaced by hands on her cheeks, and she melted just a little further.  She didn’t care if Ella was a spy.  Not any more, not after almost losing her and the baby.  No, this was the woman she loved, expressing so much concern for her.  How could she not be in love with her.

And then there was another kiss, and this time, instead of letting her end it a little too soon, she fed from it, drew life from that kiss.  And she could see and hear the worry in Ella’s face and tone.  “Darling, I am more than capable of  taking care of Annie and myself, and you.  We would have been fine another week or two to let everything die down from the wall falling, I can only assume its the wall, after all.”  She peaked back around the corner at the slaves, and then turned back to Ella.

“Should I extend the wards to the whole house again, it’s a lot of people to try and fit in three small rooms, and I won’t leave them unwarded.”  But was that because she cared about them as other living beings, or because they most certainly would have cost a lot to her and her wife – she didn’t elaborate further, and left it open to interpretation – even if it was certainly done intentionally.


Ella shook her head, "I'd rather have eyes on you than risk missing when you get lost in your head again." She murmured, leaning away from her wife to study the baby, who was trying to yank the scarf off of her mapa's head. "Besides, if I'm not doing all of the housework, my attention can be entirely on my family."

She watched the other woman peer around the corner at the slaves, and chuckled softly, "Please, I paid a lot for them." And that was that. She slipped her fingers through Kaczor's, and pulled her back towards where the group of people were waiting.

"I know they're not going to live up to the expectations of our last group, but I'm not sure anyone could meet expectations of learning a family for generations." She was quiet, inviting each member to introduce themselves, and their job tasks.


Kaczor allowed herself to be pulled around the corner, holding Annie close.  Of course it made sense to have more eyes on her, they were spys too then.  They were there to help Ella make sure the “education” had stuck this time and it was as simple as that.  Spys.  That were dressed like slaves.  Or maybe actual slaves forced into the job, because their lives depended on it.
Either way, Kaczor could let her guard down at all any more.  From here on out it was time to slip the mask on, and not let it falter for a moment until she could deliver the information needed, and retire.  It was as simple as that.  She wouldn't put Ella and Annie in danger again, trying to save them from something that only Kaczor was stupid enough to cause to happen.

So best I just give up now, and be thankful I still have my wife. And child.  The rest can be handled by others with less to risk now.’ She thought to herself, even if her heart was nearly breaking at the idea of having to swallow down sending Annie to military service if the little girl didn't develop magic talent.

One thing at a time.

She listened to each, making note that they were the exact number, and genders of the slave family that had been working for the Tilanis for generations.  More family than slaves, at least to Kazcor.  She felt bile in the back of her throat, but kept it down, nodding in turn to each.  “Of course.  I'll redo the wards tonight.  For now, I'll let you put them to work, since you are the Lady of the house, my darling.”


Ella smiled, brightly as she pressed a kiss to the top of Annie's head, "Stay inside, please? There were still looters in the streets this morning." She brushed her hands down the front of her uniform, and frowned to herself.

"I'm going to change. Have a pastry. I'll show everyone their workplaces and quarters." She wasn't certain that her wife was fine with the arrival of the slaves; but she couldn't quite tell. With those words, Ella moved away.

First, to show the butler the room off of the kitchen, the pantry as Kaczor had once called it. The older woman was getting to know the kitchen; carefully checking where things were kept, and requested leave to reorganize, to which she received a resounding yes from Ella. Things had gotten moved around during her year alone.

Eventually, the little group of slaves followed Ella upstairs, where she gave them a fairly quick tour of the home, showing them where they would stay. And once each person had been shown to their rooms, and shown their workareas, she sought her wife once more.


“Inside, got it.  Don’t want to run into looters, of course not.”  But as soon as the day had gone past, and night time had rolled around, Kaczor would be out of the house.  This newest addition of spies to their house wouldn’t stand for her for long.  And as her wife took the new people away, she tugged one of the pastries out of the box and nibbled on it, letting Annie have some here and there as she thought.

The sooner she could get out of the house and get a new general lay of the land, the better.  But the required the wards, so while Ella had taken care of getting the new people set up, Kaczor had talked the home with her child in tow, setting new wards, new means to keep the slaves out of her study, and very much a new ward to locked a hidden compartment solidly shut, with a fireball spell spell rigged to go off if someone tried to force the compartment open. After she had took Annie into the bathroom to bathe her daughter.

She didn’t believe that magic could cling to another.  She knew of being able to give spells, much like she had tied the spell to the drawer, she knew she could give Ella a fireball or two of her own magic, that would remain latent for her to use at will later – she didn’t like the idea of any of her magic clinging to Annie, perhaps taking a life of it’s own in the small child. 

Something she wouldn’t risk, so a bath – as silly as the idea was,  it made Kaczor feel better about having done so much magic near the infant.  And she herself needed a bath and a much needed shave, so they had bathtime while waiting on Ella.

And when they were found in the bedroom, they were both resting on the comforter of their bed, both dressed in comfortable shifts.  “Hello Darling.  Everyone settled in?”  She asked with a smile, from where she laid on her side.


Ella showed each person to their room, before showing the attic to them. Here, they spoke quietly. Orders to watch after Kaczor; a description of events since the other woman's release. Everything that Ella knew about her wife's mind post-release.

And then, she left them to do their tasks, to manage the house throughout the rest of the day. "Mmm, everyone's settled." She reached down to shake the child playfully, grinning as Annie squealed. "Have you learned to say ma-pa, yet, my little one?" She popped the sound, as she settled at the head of the bed next to the two of them.

"You shaved without me?" She mused, reaching out to brush her fingers along her wife's chin. After a moment, her touch lingering, she moved to rest her head against the other woman's hip, one hand on the child to ensure she didn't roll too far.

"I expected to be back before you awoke this morning. I'm sorry. Acquisition was easy, but getting home was not. They're shutting access between the districts." A slip-up, certainly. The slaves should have been housed in the richer district, or a neighboring one.


Her dark eyes watched the other woman closely, her face revealing nothing if she noticed the slip up, but inside her mind the gears were already clicking into place with solid thumps.  They were spies, and meant to be there to keep an eye on her.  She very much needed to get her knowledge handed off, so she could wipe it from her mind completely, and just settle into being a parent and a wife.  These things would come easily, once she had completed the mission she had started, nearly two years ago.  “We’re still confusing P with B so, maba, but I’m sure the P will come soon.  It is a smacking sound of the lips after all, and this little one like sugar enough and can smack them then..”

She loved them.  The both of them, the center of her world right there, and the incredible danger one of them may still bring to her.  Execution this time, most likely.  So, for the sake of those around her, she had too.  She’d be leaving the house after it was asleep to hand off what she knew.  “Mm, yes, the hair was starting to get stiff and scratchy again and I don’t want to risk Annie’s cheeks, or your thighs.”  She moved to pull Ella down into a kiss, her lips lingering on the other woman’s even as she wanted to tuck the three of them back away, alone, together.  “Annie cover your ears, I’m going to tell your mother how much I want her under me, panting and moaning my name.”

She leaned over and plopped a kiss on her daughter’s head, and then starfished between her girls, happy for the silky feeling sheets on her bare skin.  “Or on top of me, either view is lovely.”  She needed to get in these quips now, before Annie was old enough to fully start parroting back what was being said around her.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [+MATURE Grapefruit]The Day the World Ends - by Kaczor Tilani - 03-24-2024, 03:08 PM