Of all the things the group of younglings could have chosen to do, poking a Titan in the eye, essentially, was not one that had ever crossed her mind. Clearly, it should have, because they had done so. With a lot of screaming as well, it seemed. Angrily. Yelled words that had made no sense to her. There had been a momentary flare of curiosity as the mist had come, swirling around the group, but it had only served to cart one of their number away. That aside, nothing that the group did seemed like they’d considered what the best course of action would be, seeing as they lacked proper defenses and the power in which to survive the consequences of poking said Titan in the eye.
And so, Mythal had stayed her hand to watch what would happen. It was all so very curious, really.
If these ones were current day examples of the state of things, it was little wonder that Elgar’nan was up in arms about the current power structure. He had been dissatisfied with the way of things before the Veil was brought up. Mythal could only imagine the level of hatred he bore these younglings as a whole now. This specific group though, she thought them fascinating, each in their own way. They had even managed to damage the Titan. It was quite well done.
Unfortunately for them though, they seemed to be flagging and their attacks were missing more than they were landing. From her vantage point, she knew that it was time to act.
This farce ended now.
Like creating a great tapestry in the sky, she wove.
Seizing upon the Titan’s life force, she funneled that into herself, placing another shield around the intrepid group of younglings. A precaution, to be sure, but one that she felt was necessary. Next, she focused on the Titan, cursing it so that it would weakened further. She bade the earth of the mountain to move, to lift and wind and grip onto the Titan’s feet as it was lifted. She clamped stone around its ankles, or what passed as them, forcing it still, keeping it in place. Air to and Earth, crushing it down, while lifting it up. Cracks appeared in the body, as the Titan was crushed, slowly at first, then faster, faster, as Mythal forced it into a lumpy sort of sphere.
She’d rather enjoyed seeing what the little mage had done with her blood, and decided to try it out for herself. Slicing her hand open, she watched, both curious and fascinated, as her magic pulled the blood out. It arced in an uneven line in front of her, one, then two, then three, and she solidified these lines into a series of razor-thin, fan shaped blades. There came a strange sensation, faint weakness and vertigo, much like when she had emerged once again into the world.
So very curious!
The first wave of blades scoured away part of the Titan now crushed into a sphere. The second wave chipped away at what remained, so that the third one could smash it into bits entirely, fine rubble and raining down for a moment before that all was swept away by a rush of Air.
-Mythal watched this play out for a while because wtf poking a Titan in the eye.
-Decides to attack the Titan. Or defend the group. Whichever you wanna believe.
-Negation (Entropy) - Energy Theft
-Negation (Entropy) - Energy Manipulation
-Negation (Entropy) - Hex
-Power (Earth/Air) - gravity
-Negation (Blood Mage) - Blood Solidity
-Very methodical, is fascinated by the side effects she’s feeling
And so, Mythal had stayed her hand to watch what would happen. It was all so very curious, really.
If these ones were current day examples of the state of things, it was little wonder that Elgar’nan was up in arms about the current power structure. He had been dissatisfied with the way of things before the Veil was brought up. Mythal could only imagine the level of hatred he bore these younglings as a whole now. This specific group though, she thought them fascinating, each in their own way. They had even managed to damage the Titan. It was quite well done.
Unfortunately for them though, they seemed to be flagging and their attacks were missing more than they were landing. From her vantage point, she knew that it was time to act.
This farce ended now.
Like creating a great tapestry in the sky, she wove.
Seizing upon the Titan’s life force, she funneled that into herself, placing another shield around the intrepid group of younglings. A precaution, to be sure, but one that she felt was necessary. Next, she focused on the Titan, cursing it so that it would weakened further. She bade the earth of the mountain to move, to lift and wind and grip onto the Titan’s feet as it was lifted. She clamped stone around its ankles, or what passed as them, forcing it still, keeping it in place. Air to and Earth, crushing it down, while lifting it up. Cracks appeared in the body, as the Titan was crushed, slowly at first, then faster, faster, as Mythal forced it into a lumpy sort of sphere.
She’d rather enjoyed seeing what the little mage had done with her blood, and decided to try it out for herself. Slicing her hand open, she watched, both curious and fascinated, as her magic pulled the blood out. It arced in an uneven line in front of her, one, then two, then three, and she solidified these lines into a series of razor-thin, fan shaped blades. There came a strange sensation, faint weakness and vertigo, much like when she had emerged once again into the world.
So very curious!
The first wave of blades scoured away part of the Titan now crushed into a sphere. The second wave chipped away at what remained, so that the third one could smash it into bits entirely, fine rubble and raining down for a moment before that all was swept away by a rush of Air.
-Mythal watched this play out for a while because wtf poking a Titan in the eye.
-Decides to attack the Titan. Or defend the group. Whichever you wanna believe.
-Negation (Entropy) - Energy Theft
-Negation (Entropy) - Energy Manipulation
-Negation (Entropy) - Hex
-Power (Earth/Air) - gravity
-Negation (Blood Mage) - Blood Solidity
-Very methodical, is fascinated by the side effects she’s feeling
03-31-2024, 08:34 PM