Ailwin tipped his head curiously as Flea described the person that they were looking for, the name didn’t ring any immediate bells. He knew Alaric, but he couldn’t recall Alaric ever mentioning a Bajie before. Though, the more he thought about it, the more the name did seem somewhat familiar.
Bajie? I’m not sure, I do have a friend who is a lot more in the know where ancient elves are concerned. There’s an ancient city in Antiva called Arlathan, quite a few ancients there. I bet if anyone knows this Bajie, it would be Zevran.Ailwin paused, he had a way of getting in contact with Zevran, but he also didn’t know Flea from a hole in the ground. He wanted to help though, he felt like it was the least he could do after Flea helped him.
I can get a message to him if you want? We have a magical way of communicating. I send him a sign when I need to meet with him.That and he had to admit, he was curious about Flea, he couldn’t put his finger on why, but they definitely had his full attention.
04-01-2024, 09:53 AM