Free as a Broken Heart [open]
Cecilia was a woman of childlike stature, even with the high-heeled decadent, gold embossed leather boots ( for Orlesian high fashion mocks practicality), the tip of her black head only would come up to many a guard's lower chest. Despite this, when she stepped into a chamber, she had a knack for filling it up with a peculiarly tall, vast, dark energy. And when there was no ceiling to contain her, she loomed like a shadow at dusk.

Cecilia worked for the Princess of Orlais. The princess, in recent news, had been disinherited in favor of her little brother. This of course affected Cecilia's status, but the charisma of her former self had hardly relaxed. If anything, this new hardship had in fact teased open the flower of her great and terrible aura, petals like the teeth of a worm. Tea time at last, she called it.

Her black cloak was undecorated, an irregularity for her, but she had grown into more serious a woman since her Princess had been evicted by Morrigan. She held a lacy black parisol, edges tassled with beads that clicked as she walked.

Oh Tiberius she announced in her sing-song voice, drawling out the last sylllable of his name with courtesanly flair. I heard about the wall and you were the first man to pop into my mind. Of course you're here, she huffed, flashing him a nasty look while picking a flower from a nearby rosebush. Its stem snapped effortlessly with her gloved fingers. She stepped closer, twirling it, until she stood beside him in the rain.

Still not over it, are we? Remind me how long its been, she gestured by breaking the intense, aggressive stare she'd levelled at him this whole time, glancing at the woman's grave before back at him, with a heavy look of faux concern and worry. You poor thing.

She had always found the Tevint man as soft as salt water taffy, and she wasn't shy about implying it. Nothing quite like yanking a man by the tail of his feelings when she had an agenda. And he deserved it, too, because this rain could go fuck itself.

Messages In This Thread
Free as a Broken Heart [open] - by Tiberius Umbra - 04-01-2024, 03:12 PM
RE: Free as a Broken Heart [open] - by Cecilia Bellefleur - 04-02-2024, 07:23 PM
RE: Free as a Broken Heart [open] - by Cecilia Bellefleur - 04-03-2024, 06:57 PM
RE: Free as a Broken Heart [open] - by Cecilia Bellefleur - 06-01-2024, 04:32 PM