A Favour for a Favour, a Drunks Edition
Garryn looked over and smiled as Aoife recognised he was there. He raised his glass and greeted Aoife warmly. Aoife! It’s been too long! I thought I’d get something to drink after my meeting with Sebastian. He explained, happy to see Aoife, a familiar face in the sea of strangers, and a friendly face at that!

Garryn took another look behind Aoife, at the table she had left and gave her an impressive nod. Impressive, I think I heard you say you’ve won six in a row?! Or was it seven?! Either way it was seriously impressive. Garryn definitely made a mental note to be careful if he ever played cards with Aoife.

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RE: [Open] A Favour for a Favour, a Drunks Edition - by Garryn Aeducan - 04-08-2024, 02:19 PM