The mass weaving of wards and the effort involved in sustaining that power had taken its toll on the newly appointed High Keeper. Perhaps that was why they had delayed the competition, so that she would be fit enough to answer the challenge after Ruth’s careful planting of her name. Part of her was still angry with him, the other, along with Sylaise, felt it appropriate given her efforts and contributions.
A small secret part was afraid. Not of the challenges of running a city or navigating its people, but the growing power of Sylaise. Two shards were heavier than one, control over where her consciousness ended and Sylaise had become blurred more often than she would like to admit.
One of her appointments today was a mild remedy, an insurance while also allowing the man an opportunity to reconnect with his son. She had ordered tea ahead for their allotted time and in the few minutes before, Megara found herself collecting her thoughts as well as her own feelings. Rut’theran was family to her, her chosen kin and the only one who’d stuck by through her worst days.
It was clear where the rogue elf had got his smile when she’d call the page to let him pass. Meg greeted him with her own usual warmth filled expression. [color=#008e02]“Kellam, I’m glad you could come. I do have a few things I need to run by you, and your people. I hear those who were injured on arrival have all made good recoveries, yes?”[/color] She gestured for him to sit, before taking her own… the ridiculous thing needed to go… [color=#008e02]“I’ve ordered tea, as I’m not sure how long we’ll be at this. Still settling into how I want to run these.” [/color]
A small secret part was afraid. Not of the challenges of running a city or navigating its people, but the growing power of Sylaise. Two shards were heavier than one, control over where her consciousness ended and Sylaise had become blurred more often than she would like to admit.
One of her appointments today was a mild remedy, an insurance while also allowing the man an opportunity to reconnect with his son. She had ordered tea ahead for their allotted time and in the few minutes before, Megara found herself collecting her thoughts as well as her own feelings. Rut’theran was family to her, her chosen kin and the only one who’d stuck by through her worst days.
It was clear where the rogue elf had got his smile when she’d call the page to let him pass. Meg greeted him with her own usual warmth filled expression. [color=#008e02]“Kellam, I’m glad you could come. I do have a few things I need to run by you, and your people. I hear those who were injured on arrival have all made good recoveries, yes?”[/color] She gestured for him to sit, before taking her own… the ridiculous thing needed to go… [color=#008e02]“I’ve ordered tea, as I’m not sure how long we’ll be at this. Still settling into how I want to run these.” [/color]
04-14-2024, 11:23 AM