A Gentle Rapping, Rapping At My Cottage Door
DOTH so, Blood, Drugs, Alcohol, Language, Hints of Sexuality, Violence, Only One Bed, Angst, Longing, Mistaken Attraction as Dislike, Epic Sass
Danny was all too eager to help Dora with the cart, moving from the door to do as she instructed, leaving the drunk and high elf on the doorstep. Ruth blearily watched through rolling vision the dwarf approach, focus finally clearing when she picked him up only to then disappear to his blind side. That's… low of you he’d mutter, then flash a mean smile in her direction, or, what he thought her direction was.

Uncoordinated, his body swung in her grasp, feet slipping unable to really gain purchase enough to keep him upright until he found himself in the chair. The world continued to spin for a bit, her words eventually reaching him alongside the thud of the water glass nearby. A half-glazed eye slowly found hers, his mind sluggish at first before repeating, ...in my… ha. He’d snort-giggle as she moved off to finish her work.

His eyes closed over trying to block out how topsy turvy this ride was. Her moving around kept his mind aware, but the chair was not where he needed to be, eventually sliding down off the seat to the ground where he lay against the cooler slabs. His body’s temperature fluctuated between the various courses of stimulants in his system, he was truly faded, drunk and high on whatever he had taken or had been offered.

But there was something niggling, causing his eye to open as a slit, Since when you mine, Dora. Or you gone.. Dotti? His brow was laced with suspicion and then in a moment his smoothed over and his eyes closed again. I don’t need a babysitter. A man can drown himself however he likes, or is this your way of sayin’ you wanna ride the bad boy? A wicked, smug snicker filled the air. Who was he kidding, she was straight forward, no nonsense so of course he deflected. Nothin’ wrong with my face, and what’s wrong with gettin’ shitfaced this early? Against some law or som’hin’?

Thought your place would be more… ‘warfy, ain’t nearly as many axes as I figured.

Messages In This Thread
RE: A Gentle Rapping, Rapping At My Cottage Door - by Ruth Yoesif - 05-08-2024, 05:05 PM