I didn't say it to be cute
Any concern in her brow smoothed over with his words. I’m glad to hear it. I can imagine it has been difficult with the darkspawn, I’m glad you have all managed to find rest and recuperation here.

With him accepting tea, she tried her best to relax into the awkward chair, offering an equal hesitant chuckle to his words. I see myself as more of a servant than ruler. I may have won my term as High Keeper, but I serve the people rather than Lord over them. I am more at home in a garden or kitchen than these ancient halls.

An attendant came with tea and then politely left after Megara decided to pour. There are a few things I would like us to talk about, gain some further insight, as I have decisions to make. She poured his first and after swirling the pot, made her own and returned the tea back to the tray. One of those things involves your son. A pause. And while he is… sometimes challenging, I cannot fault his heart or his capabilities. I would argue, he is a better healer than I am certainly. A trait I understand he inherited?

Megara knew the answer. Ruth had told her once, drunk or high, likely both, that his mother had been a talented mage when it came to the healing arts. What she wanted to understand was Kellam, how a father, a Keeper, fell to the point his own son wanted nothing to do with him.

Messages In This Thread
I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 04-09-2024, 10:06 AM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 04-29-2024, 03:27 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Megara Neirdre - 05-08-2024, 05:28 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 05-12-2024, 08:02 AM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 06-13-2024, 07:51 AM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 06-25-2024, 02:45 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 07-05-2024, 03:08 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 07-29-2024, 08:05 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 08-12-2024, 03:19 PM