A Gentle Rapping, Rapping At My Cottage Door
DOTH so, Blood, Drugs, Alcohol, Language, Hints of Sexuality, Violence, Only One Bed, Angst, Longing, Mistaken Attraction as Dislike, Epic Sass
Danny can suck my dick, Ruth retorted.

He’d been trying to forget those sorrows. Numb himself enough that the demons in his mind would leave him be for a time. Yet it never truly worked, they were never gone, his impulses were only heightened and the worser parts of him took front and centre. Pfft. Anger is easy, but no. Not angry at you. The meaning behind those words deeper than she’d know, though perhaps in time would come to understand.

He raised a brow at her, knowing full well what it looked like given his profession. Danny’s too kind a soul. Most would’ve just left me. Nairn might’ve dragged me in eventually, be nice to him, he’s dumber than I am. He’d chuckle at the assassin’s expense. Told you already, no digs and am I fuck going to the house and dealing with her. Here’s… fine.

Ruth had expected the question to be brushed off, not truthfully answered, causing the slight teasing grin to soften at the edges. She’d certainly matched his teasing and antics head-on, but suddenly there was this softer, vulnerability to her that Ruth struggled with, unsure what to do with it. There was the usual lewd voice and he nearly tripped over himself to say it, face contorting with the effort. I’d read shit to you, I’d find and read all the smutty ones. No. He’d save that for the perfect revenge.. If he remembered, which was unclear. So Ruth focused on something he could play with, You can’t swim? Bit stupi-.. Is that why you kept freakin’ in the bath, too deep?

The action of her hand reaching through his hair had him flinch at first, eye narrowed, though as nails scraped gently along he’d smirk, it all but falling flat when she next spoke. Huffing, Ruth rolled his eye, God’s ain’t nothin’ to do with it, Precious. People. People screw other people over easy enough. There’s no divinity in simple greed.

He’d shift to lay on his stomach when she left to retrieve something. There were a few new silver trails against his skin, and while his eye had been the main casualty since their last encounter the rest blended into the tapestry of scars. Then that finger of hers traced a lock along his ear and Ruth’s body went rigid, he paused mid-breath, attempting to steel the natural reaction. He’d pull his head away before the pleasurable shudder broke out along his nerves. A not so pleasant memory surfaced in its wake, out of the gloom of his desired numbness, his hand snatching her wrist again but with a sterner and firmer grip, mouth taught while a deep pain flashed.

Don’t. Do that..

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RE: A Gentle Rapping, Rapping At My Cottage Door - by Ruth Yoesif - 05-10-2024, 10:54 AM