The sudden silence felt worse than the exhaustion. His thoughts were silent, closed to her for the time being and the loneliness of her own mind, her demons, were too loud. Adaria tried not to shrink though there was no hiding anything with this fatigue. The whisper to her ear felt almost like a lifeline and even if her own voice failed to answer in the moment, Adaria turned into him for comfort.
She pressed her cheek against his chest, offering a slight scoff of a laugh.
...Maybe, but not tonight.
She pressed her cheek against his chest, offering a slight scoff of a laugh.
I am a Dreamer, I’m barely safe from myself on a good day. And today has not been a good day, Raphy.She tensed suddenly, realising she shortened his full name instead of the playful ex-title she teased him with.
Agree to dismiss that and I’ll admit that yes... I do feel…she chewed over the conclusion of her sentence.
I do feel safer. And I have not felt like that in… in a long time.
05-13-2024, 02:07 PM