Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming
Parental Death, Grief
Colt held on, a hand eventually moving to rub the kids back. He didn’t say anything at first, merely letting the weight of his hold ground Haulean, reassure him that at least Colt wasn’t going anywhere and was there. There might have been a grimace at how wet his shirt was getting, but it didn’t matter, he had shit to wash anyways, even if Mina’s scent clung to this one, he had reclaimed his nightshirt from her while leaving behind a fresh one for Mina.

Now that’s silly. Everybody get’s feert. Fear keeps you alive, bud, he’d answer, grin flashing. Ain’t ever seen Meg mad mysel’, but she had reason. Boss kept her out a long time and I ‘memer she was pretty broke up about him. He’d come back from Starkhaven to find the Coterie in chaos, half the members or more missing, presumed dead and only the wizard in charge. It had been a dark time.

Eh? Colt jerked, brows wrinkled in confusion before a laugh broke out. It was a loud clap of sound, the thought of Megara holding such a grudge madness to him. Pfft, Meg ain’t gonna hate you. You did fuck all wrong, kid. This ain’t a mess you made just… the boss ain’t good with his words, expressin’ himsel’ is… well it like pullin’ blood from a stone sometimes. Colt shrugged, he wasn’t sure he understood the man well, but he knew enough he cared deeply about Meg. She’s the only one I ever seen him light up around. It’s not some’hin’ you need to, or can, fix. He gave an extra squeeze and then sighed, back sinking into the door. That some’hin’ he has to do.

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RE: Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming - by Colton Young - 05-18-2024, 04:56 PM