Is This Part of My Coming-Of-Age Tale or is it Just Some Bullshit?
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The man’s hand ceased to travel when addressed so openly. Adaria made her discomfort known, her expression thunderous while her palms brushed the other away then fixed the disturbed tails of her dress from the manhandling. She said nothing, only tutting her displeasure and stepping to one side. Her rescuer’s lie almost gave the impression the man had wings with how quickly she had been forgotten causing amusement to quickly return, softening the incredulous line that had taken residence moments earlier.

His smart bow and address earned him, in return, a respectful curtsy and dip of her own head. You have my thanks, and appreciation for your intervention, Senor, her gaze turned back to follow the fools retreating path, brows shrugging. It would… be impolite to dispense the consequences, being a guest. Better his own people rein him in than I. My brother’s advisors would be scrambling if it were left to me.

Enzo would marry her off without a moment's hesitation, oh wait, that was already his plan. Her eyes rolled uncaring, she would knock his foolish ass off the throne if he so much as dared to, unwilling to be matched and chained to some drooling fool. Though, depending on the candidate she had entertained, simply puppetting the strings, removing the unknowing fool’s will entirely. Rash and dangerous, but she had already proved reckless enough that the risks caused her no concern. Her mother lay dead in the ground thanks to her recklessness, her father finally avenged.

Chuckling, her lips settled into a polite smile. I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. Brows lifted expectedly, awaiting an introduction. Do you make a habit of rescuing royalty, or is this your first occasion?

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RE: Is This Part of My Coming-Of-Age Tale or is it Just Some Bullshit? - by Adaria Campana - 05-25-2024, 03:25 PM