Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming
Parental Death, Grief
Colt liked to think that life, and some people, were like the current. Rivers started as a trickle, had slow seeping points and then the sweeping rapids, dips, pools and everything in between till it reached the sea. Haulean’s Ma had just joined the rest, swirling and travelling the endless ocean. Him though, well, he was a rock. It was the only place to be when those around him were weathering a storm.

He smiled down at the lad, nodding in reassurance that the Missus would be fine. A wrinkle appeared as he made mention of Ruth and Colt wouldn’t stop the rolling of his eyes, the rivalry between the two still lingering over their shared Mina connection. But… Meg’s not in Arlathan right now, she, and I suppose Ruth too, are dossin’ at the bo- Nairn’s place. Or they were, just got back mind. A sly smirk drew across his lips, there had been a rumour… something about Meg’s house being reduced to toothpicks? He’d ask around, discreetly of course, Danny would know.

Snickering at the lads idea, Colt shook his head. Na, na, bud. Afraid the cat’s out the bag now, well, between you and him. I won’t be saying shit. Your Da will have my fingers. Speaking of fingers, Colt sighed, a more sober tone being soon offered, along with some advice. Nothin’ wrang wi’ a trade. I had to learn how to put locks together before figuring out how to open them all sweet like. Trade might suit you. He’d shrug, understanding that the Coterie life wasn’t for everyone, there were other things and better ways of making a living, ones that didn't risk you getting a belly full of steel.

@Haulean Oruven

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RE: Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming - by Colton Young - 05-30-2024, 04:37 PM