I didn't say it to be cute
She couldn’t help the natural hesitancy in accepting praise, flashing a small smile. Sylaise chided her in the back of her mind, but the elf ignored her for the moment, steering the ancient being to study her guest instead. His complement was wholly meant, understanding that this was likely where Ruth’s charm came from.

It was obvious his wife, Ruth’s mother, had meant a great deal to the both of them, was the glue that had helped temper the relationship between Father and Son. Eyes focused on the tea, nodding as she continued. I understand she passed too early, my condolences. I have my own experience, I understand the pain. Grief was never easy or clear in its expression.

His stubbornness is an asset, and a hindrance at times. amusement slipping into her smile. He does not lower his guard often, but I have seen the real him when working with the children. Noticing Kellam’s discomfort, Meg went to offer him milk, I’ve known him a long time, but he’s never talked in depth about his childhood. A truth, she knew pieces from both him and from Nairn, enough that painted Kellam in a grey, questionable light. I’m curious if he was as ornery then as he is now.

@Kellam Yoesif

Messages In This Thread
I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 04-09-2024, 10:06 AM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 04-29-2024, 03:27 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 05-12-2024, 08:02 AM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Megara Neirdre - 05-30-2024, 04:45 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 06-13-2024, 07:51 AM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 06-25-2024, 02:45 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 07-05-2024, 03:08 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 07-29-2024, 08:05 PM
RE: I didn't say it to be cute - by Kellam Yoesif - 08-12-2024, 03:19 PM