Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming
Parental Death, Grief
With all of his emotional upheaval, the petite youth almost missed the roll of Colt's eyes. He'd just happened to glance up in time, and scrunched his face in confusion. "Wh-what's that face?" he stammered. Was Ruth not someone he should be around? Maybe they wouldn't like Haulean... Ugh so many unknowns in this whole messed up situation. And then Colt was saying how Meg wasn't in Arlathan but at Nairn's home.

"Maybe that's why he couldn't make up his mind?" the boy offered, snuggling into the older male more. "I was s'posed to move to the guest room. But I didn't. Cos it seemed like a bad idea. Plus I just didn't wanna move... and... and if I went there, he could send me away before I could even say goodbye to anybody. Like you. 'N Yoon." His friend wasn't yet back from his latest outing. Gods it'd break something in Haulean to never see either of his dearest friends again.

Haulean sighed heavily, when Colt reasoned that there was no pretending. He was right... there wasn't any taking it back. Even if he had the heart to burn his mother's letters, which he didn't, they would always know. Still. He could still pitch the idea to Nairn, if he ever spoke to him again. It felt like it'd been days. Maybe it hadn't? What was time, anymore? He'd been holed up in the dark like a potato, pretty much since Nairn had left. It could've only been hours, who knew?

The mention of fingers prompted Haulean to shift a bit in Colt's lap and idly just... start toying with and examining said fingers like he'd often done when younger. He was always fascinated by how much larger Colt's hands were, than his own. In any case, it was distracting him from his hurt and his tears for the moment; hooray for being tactile and distractible. "Maybe you could teach me?" he mumbled, splaying his much smaller hand against Colt's, and cocking his head absently. "How to p-put 'em together?"

He'd been taught a little lockpicking, obviously, but. Only the basics. His main skills were pickpocketing, sleight of hand, and being generally sneaky and stealthy; that sort of thing. And he was good at it. It was the only reason he'd managed to pull Nairn's dagger out of nowhere, during their last encounter. Speaking of. "I think N-Nairn's gonna be m-mad at me awhile." he mumbled, and blushed. "I did a stupid."

@Colton Young

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RE: Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming - by Haulean Oruven - 06-02-2024, 10:30 AM