Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming
Parental Death, Grief
Nothin’, the healer and I just… he’s a decent medic, can’t fault him professionally, but he’s a shithead with bad habits. He’d leave out the part where the rat bastard had fucked his girl on occasion, because technically Mina wasn’t Colt’s girl. Not yet. Got our eyes on the same girl don’t help me like him anymore either, but he’s the Boss’s go to, so he can’t be all bad. Not that Ruth would hide behind Nairn, Colt had seen the elf brawl like the rest of the lads when pushed, the problem was the added bonus of magic and ego when mixed with whatever he was on, complicated matters. Colt didn’t fully trust him, rightfully so though he wouldn’t know why until later.

Maybe, reckon he’s got a lot on his plate this minute, but he’ll get to speaking to you soon enough. You tell him just what you told me. He ain’t gonna listen if you don’t tell him, you old enough now to decide. There wasn’t always a choice, but under Nairn’s leadership their losses had been fewer, better and far more lucrative jobs had come their way since the best suited were sent. Nairn kept them sharp, well rounded, but paid attention to their strengths.

Watching him shift and start eyeing, comparing their hands, caused Colt to chuckle, Sure, why not? Pretty sure I’ve a few practice ones kickin’ about. You’ve quick hands sure, but it’s not about being quick, it’s also about the tools, how they feel. There was no harm in letting him have a go, better if he took to it, but Colt was in no position to take an apprentice, nor was he sure the boss would go for it either. Maybe Meg would be able to get him something legal and straight, keep his nose clean instead? It wasn’t in Colt’s hand to decide, even if it frustrated him a little. He’d cleared his debt with Nairn some years ago, but stayed on like most of the orphans did. It was home.

His grin turned lopsided, Oh aye? Catch you with your pants down did he? Or… noting the blush, Colt’s brows rose, What you do, cry all over his accounts? I’m pretty sure he does that, don’t feel bad about it. He’d joke, nudging the kids shoulder. Much as I like the floor, I’ve been on the back of a horse for miles and my ass was already numb as fuck. Think we could stand a bit, and you take a bite or two? Preferably before your old man wonders if we made you sick or something.

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RE: Well, Damn! I Didn't Expect That for a Homecoming - by Colton Young - 06-06-2024, 11:59 AM