Is This Part of My Coming-Of-Age Tale or is it Just Some Bullshit?
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"You honor me, Adaria." Enzo said, this time only dipping his head slightly. He didn't know much about her family, beyond their names and the varying rumors of the turmoil amongst them. It was somewhat difficult to discern fact from fiction... especially after the barrier had gone up and news of other lands had ceased. For his own purposes, the details didn't really matter though. What mattered now was good relations with these foreign lands. Trade must resume. Old grudges revived, or buried for good if possible. Already his proximity to this royal guest was being noted.

"I've never been to Orlais myself." he said, his eyes instinctively glancing toward the alcove where he'd last seen a particular face. "But appears to be a place where pursuits are made. Education, fashion, betrothals..." he trailed off.

When the servant passed, Enzo also took a glass from the tray. He lifted it slightly in a silent toast to the princess, then took a sip. It was rather sweet for his taste, but not undrinkable. At her response to his own question, Enzo returned his gaze to the young woman, head tilted slightly and an eyebrow raised. That was an uncommon location of interest for women, in his experience. But when she continued, her interest in its history made things somewhat more clear to him.

"Music in Orlais, arenas in Tevinter..." he listed, an approving smile curling the left side of his mouth, "a wide span of interests. Though, the Arena is a marvel. Our green jewel. Though, as a student of music, might I suggest a visit to our Opera house? If you have not already been, of course. It is not nearly so ancient, but I would challenge you to find a better performance in all of Thedas."

He took another sip of the wine, turning his eyes back to the ballroom at large. "Should your official duties in Minrathous allow the time, I would be honored to show you some of the city's other sights as well." he added.

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RE: Is This Part of My Coming-Of-Age Tale or is it Just Some Bullshit? - by Enzo Pavus - 06-11-2024, 06:51 PM