Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide
Fear, open water, the dark
As Nolan's boat cut through the still waters, he saw the faint glow of Celine's dinghy ahead, her silhouette unmistakable even in the dim light. He appreciated the sense of calm that radiated from her, a stark contrast to the foreboding cliffs and the eerie quiet of the cove. Rowing closer, he called out softly to announce his presence.

Celine, it's Nolan, he said, keeping his voice low but clear. I've come for the shipment.

He guided his boat alongside hers, reaching out to help steady the small vessel. Looks like you've been busy, he noted, glancing at the cargo she had loaded. Glad to see you’re still as resourceful as ever.

He hopped into her boat with practiced ease, his presence a familiar and reassuring one. "I'll take care of the heavy lifting, he offered, noting the way she moved, clearly feeling the strain of her efforts. You rest a bit. We've got time before we need to head out.

As he began to transfer the cargo to his boat, Nolan kept an eye on the shadows flickering at the edge of the cave. He'd heard the stories, the whispers of spirits and specters that haunted these cliffs, but he was more concerned about the living threats that could emerge from the darkness.

You know, you really picked a prime spot for a haunted getaway, he joked lightly. But then again, I guess it takes more than a few ghosts to rattle you.

He glanced back at her, a hint of a smile on his lips. Retirement doesn't seem to suit you, Celine. But I’m glad you’re still willing to help out when it counts. People need those supplies.

@Celine Vonn

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RE: Medicine and Hauntings, Such a Lovely Divide - by Nolan Reid - 06-14-2024, 10:47 AM