Meetings and Open Office Hours
Archon Demetrius Arvina leaned back in his chair, his keen eyes observing Malik's transformation from feline to human with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. The day had been long and tiresome, filled with the endless demands and petitions that came with his position. Malik's presence, though often unnoticed by those seeking audience, had provided a silent reassurance.

As Malik cracked his neck and rose from his kneeling position, Demetrius couldn't help but let a small, appreciative smile tug at the corner of his mouth. Malik's loyalty and unique skills were invaluable, and his straightforward demeanor was a breath of fresh air in the often deceitful corridors of power.

Demetrius's gaze shifted to the door where the last petitioner had exited. The merchant in question had indeed been insufferable, with his constant wheedling and barely concealed arrogance.

You have a gift for understatement, Malik, Demetrius remarked dryly. That merchant's arrogance is surpassed only by his greed. A swift kick might be too lenient.

He rose from his chair, stretching slightly as he moved to the window, looking out over the city of Minrathous. The setting sun cast long shadows, painting the city in hues of orange and gold. His mind, however, was already moving past the irritations of the day and onto the challenges of tomorrow.

Still, Demetrius continued, turning back to face Malik, it's better to keep him in check through more... subtle means. Let him believe he has my favor for now. His true worth will be revealed soon enough.

The Archon walked over to a small table, pouring himself a glass of wine. He took a sip, savoring the rich flavor before speaking again. Your presence today was, as always, invaluable. It's a comfort knowing you are watching over me, even if others remain blissfully ignorant of your true nature.

@Malik Vrai

Messages In This Thread
Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Malik Vrai - 06-17-2024, 11:19 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 06-18-2024, 11:26 AM
RE: Meetings and Open Office Hours - by Demetrius Arvina - 07-08-2024, 09:23 AM